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HDF5  1.15.0.a71c683
API Reference
HDF5 Library Java Interface

Detailed Description

This class is the Java interface for the HDF5 library.

This code is the called by Java programs to access the entry points of the HDF5 library. Each routine wraps a single HDF5 entry point, generally with the arguments and return codes analogous to the C interface.

See also
The HDF5 Library and Programming Model, User Guide


static void loadH5Lib ()
static final int getOpenIDCount ()
static final Collection< Long > getOpenIDs ()
static synchronized native int H5check_version (int majnum, int minnum, int relnum)
static synchronized native int H5close () throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native int H5open () throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native int H5error_off ()
static synchronized native void H5error_on ()
static synchronized native int H5garbage_collect () throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native int H5get_libversion (int[] libversion) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native int H5set_free_list_limits (int reg_global_lim, int reg_list_lim, int arr_global_lim, int arr_list_lim, int blk_global_lim, int blk_list_lim) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5export_dataset (String file_export_name, long file_id, String object_path, int binary_order) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5export_attribute (String file_export_name, long dataset_id, String attribute_name, int binary_order) throws HDF5LibraryException


static final int LIB_VERSION [] = {1, 15, 0}
static final String H5PATH_PROPERTY_KEY = "hdf.hdf5lib.H5.hdf5lib"
static final String H5_LIBRARY_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY = "hdf.hdf5lib.H5.loadLibraryName"

Function Documentation

◆ getOpenIDCount()

static final int getOpenIDCount ( )

Get number of open IDs.

Returns a count of open IDs

◆ getOpenIDs()

static final Collection<Long> getOpenIDs ( )

Get the open IDs

Returns a collection of open IDs

◆ H5check_version()

static synchronized native int H5check_version ( int  majnum,
int  minnum,
int  relnum 

H5check_version verifies that the arguments match the version numbers compiled into the library.

majnumThe major version of the library.
minnumThe minor version of the library.
relnumThe release number of the library.
a non-negative value if successful. Upon failure (when the versions do not match), this function causes the application to abort (i.e., crash)

See C API function: herr_t H5check_version(unsigned majnum, unsigned minnum, unsigned relnum)

◆ H5close()

static synchronized native int H5close ( ) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5close flushes all data to disk, closes all file identifiers, and cleans up all memory used by the library.

a non-negative value if successful
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5error_off()

static synchronized native int H5error_off ( )

Turn off error handling. By default, the C library prints the error stack of the HDF5 C library on stdout. This behavior may be disabled by calling H5error_off().

a non-negative value if successful

◆ H5error_on()

static synchronized native void H5error_on ( )

Turn on error handling. By default, the C library prints the error stack of the HDF5 C library on stdout. This behavior may be re-enabled by calling H5error_on().

◆ H5export_attribute()

static synchronized native void H5export_attribute ( String  file_export_name,
long  dataset_id,
String  attribute_name,
int  binary_order 
) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5export_attribute is a utility function to save data in a file.

file_export_nameThe file name to export data into.
dataset_idThe identifier of the dataset containing the attribute.
attribute_nameThe attribute to be exported.
binary_order99 - export data as text. 1 - export data as binary Native Order. 2 - export data as binary Little Endian. 3 - export data as binary Big Endian.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5export_dataset()

static synchronized native void H5export_dataset ( String  file_export_name,
long  file_id,
String  object_path,
int  binary_order 
) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5export_dataset is a utility function to save data in a file.

file_export_nameThe file name to export data into.
file_idThe identifier of the HDF5 file containing the dataset.
object_pathThe full path of the dataset to be exported.
binary_order99 - export data as text. 1 - export data as binary Native Order. 2 - export data as binary Little Endian. 3 - export data as binary Big Endian.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5garbage_collect()

static synchronized native int H5garbage_collect ( ) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5garbage_collect collects on all free-lists of all types.

a non-negative value if successful
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5get_libversion()

static synchronized native int H5get_libversion ( int[]  libversion) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5get_libversion retrieves the major, minor, and release numbers of the version of the HDF library which is linked to the application.

libversionThe version information of the HDF library.
     libversion[0] = The major version of the library.
     libversion[1] = The minor version of the library.
     libversion[2] = The release number of the library.
a non-negative value if successful, along with the version information.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5open()

static synchronized native int H5open ( ) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5open initialize the library.

a non-negative value if successful
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5set_free_list_limits()

static synchronized native int H5set_free_list_limits ( int  reg_global_lim,
int  reg_list_lim,
int  arr_global_lim,
int  arr_list_lim,
int  blk_global_lim,
int  blk_list_lim 
) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5set_free_list_limits Sets limits on the different kinds of free lists. Setting a value of -1 for a limit means no limit of that type. These limits are global for the entire library. Each "global" limit only applies to free lists of that type, so if an application sets a limit of 1 MB on each of the global lists, up to 3 MB of total storage might be allocated (1MB on each of regular, array and block type lists).

The settings for block free lists are duplicated to factory free lists. Factory free list limits cannot be set independently currently.

reg_global_limThe limit on all "regular" free list memory used
reg_list_limThe limit on memory used in each "regular" free list
arr_global_limThe limit on all "array" free list memory used
arr_list_limThe limit on memory used in each "array" free list
blk_global_limThe limit on all "block" free list memory used
blk_list_limThe limit on memory used in each "block" free list
a non-negative value if successful, along with the version information.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ loadH5Lib()

static void loadH5Lib ( )

load native library

Variable Documentation


final String H5_LIBRARY_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY = "hdf.hdf5lib.H5.loadLibraryName"

add system property to load library by name from library path, via System.loadLibrary()


final String H5PATH_PROPERTY_KEY = "hdf.hdf5lib.H5.hdf5lib"

add system property to load library by path


final int LIB_VERSION[] = {1, 15, 0}

The version number of the HDF5 library:

  • LIB_VERSION[0]: The major version of the library.
  • LIB_VERSION[1]: The minor version of the library.
  • LIB_VERSION[2]: The release number of the library.

Make sure to update the versions number when a different library is used.