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HDF5  1.15.0.a71c683
API Reference
Java Error (H5E) Interface

Detailed Description

See also
Error Handling (H5E), C-API
HDF5 Error Handling, User Guide


static synchronized native boolean H5Eauto_is_v2 (long stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException
static int H5Eclear () throws HDF5LibraryException
static void H5Eclear (long stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5Eclear2 (long stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5Eclose_msg (long err_id) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5Eclose_stack (long stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native long H5Ecreate_msg (long cls_id, int msg_type, String msg) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException
static synchronized native long H5Ecreate_stack () throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native String H5Eget_class_name (long class_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException
static synchronized native long H5Eget_current_stack () throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5Eset_current_stack (long stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native String H5Eget_msg (long msg_id, int[] type_list) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native long H5Eget_num (long stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException
static synchronized native void H5Eprint2 (long stack_id, Object stream) throws HDF5LibraryException
static synchronized native void H5Epop (long stack_id, long count) throws HDF5LibraryException
static void H5Epush (long stack_id, String file, String func, int line, long cls_id, long maj_id, long min_id, String msg) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException
static synchronized native void H5Epush2 (long stack_id, String file, String func, int line, long cls_id, long maj_id, long min_id, String msg) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException
static synchronized native long H5Eregister_class (String cls_name, String lib_name, String version) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException
static synchronized native void H5Eunregister_class (long class_id) throws HDF5LibraryException
static void H5Ewalk (long stack_id, long direction, H5E_walk_cb func, H5E_walk_t client_data) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException
static synchronized native void H5Ewalk2 (long stack_id, long direction, H5E_walk_cb func, H5E_walk_t client_data) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException

Function Documentation

◆ H5Eauto_is_v2()

static synchronized native boolean H5Eauto_is_v2 ( long  stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Eauto_is_v2 determines whether the error auto reporting function for an error stack conforms to the H5E_auto2_t typedef or the H5E_auto1_t typedef.

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.
boolean true if the error stack conforms to H5E_auto2_t and false if it conforms to H5E_auto1_t.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Eclear() [1/2]

static int H5Eclear ( ) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Eclear clears the error stack for the current thread. H5Eclear can fail if there are problems initializing the library.

This may be used by exception handlers to assure that the error condition in the HDF5 library has been reset.

Returns a non-negative value if successful
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Eclear() [2/2]

static void H5Eclear ( long  stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Eclear clears the error stack specified by estack_id, or, if estack_id is set to H5E_DEFAULT, the error stack for the current thread.

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Eclear2()

static synchronized native void H5Eclear2 ( long  stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Eclear2 clears the error stack specified by estack_id, or, if estack_id is set to H5E_DEFAULT, the error stack for the current thread.

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Eclose_msg()

static synchronized native void H5Eclose_msg ( long  err_id) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Eclose_msg closes an error message identifier, which can be either a major or minor message.

err_idIN: Error message identifier.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Eclose_stack()

static synchronized native void H5Eclose_stack ( long  stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Eclose_stack closes the object handle for an error stack and releases its resources.

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Ecreate_msg()

static synchronized native long H5Ecreate_msg ( long  cls_id,
int  msg_type,
String  msg 
) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException

H5Ecreate_msg adds an error message to an error class defined by client library or application program.

cls_idIN: Error class identifier.
msg_typeIN: The type of the error message.
msgIN: The error message.
a message identifier
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.
NullPointerExceptionmsg is null.

◆ H5Ecreate_stack()

static synchronized native long H5Ecreate_stack ( ) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Ecreate_stack creates a new empty error stack and returns the new stack's identifier.

an error stack identifier
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Eget_class_name()

static synchronized native String H5Eget_class_name ( long  class_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException

H5Eget_class_name retrieves the name of the error class specified by the class identifier.

class_idIN: Error class identifier.
the name of the error class
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Eget_current_stack()

static synchronized native long H5Eget_current_stack ( ) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Eget_current_stack copies the current error stack and returns an error stack identifier for the new copy.

an error stack identifier
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Eget_msg()

static synchronized native String H5Eget_msg ( long  msg_id,
int[]  type_list 
) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Eget_msg retrieves the error message including its length and type.

msg_idIN: Name of the error class.
type_listOUT: The type of the error message. Valid values are H5E_MAJOR and H5E_MINOR.
the error message
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Eget_num()

static synchronized native long H5Eget_num ( long  stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException

H5Eget_num retrieves the number of error records in the error stack specified by estack_id (including major, minor messages and description).

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.
the number of error messages
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Epop()

static synchronized native void H5Epop ( long  stack_id,
long  count 
) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Epop deletes the number of error records specified in count from the top of the error stack specified by estack_id (including major, minor messages and description).

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.
countIN: Version of the client library or application to which the error class belongs.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Eprint2()

static synchronized native void H5Eprint2 ( long  stack_id,
Object  stream 
) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Eprint2 prints the error stack specified by estack_id on the specified stream, stream.

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.If the identifier is H5E_DEFAULT, the current error stack will be printed.
streamIN: File pointer, or stderr if null.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Epush()

static void H5Epush ( long  stack_id,
String  file,
String  func,
int  line,
long  cls_id,
long  maj_id,
long  min_id,
String  msg 
) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException

H5Epush pushes a new error record onto the error stack specified by estack_id.

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.
fileIN: Name of the file in which the error was detected.
funcIN: Name of the function in which the error was detected.
lineIN: Line number within the file at which the error was detected.
cls_idIN: Error class identifier.
maj_idIN: Major error identifier.
min_idIN: Minor error identifier.
msgIN: Error description string.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.
NullPointerExceptionfile, func, or msg is null.

◆ H5Epush2()

static synchronized native void H5Epush2 ( long  stack_id,
String  file,
String  func,
int  line,
long  cls_id,
long  maj_id,
long  min_id,
String  msg 
) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException

H5Epush2 pushes a new error record onto the error stack specified by estack_id.

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.
fileIN: Name of the file in which the error was detected.
funcIN: Name of the function in which the error was detected.
lineIN: Line number within the file at which the error was detected.
cls_idIN: Error class identifier.
maj_idIN: Major error identifier.
min_idIN: Minor error identifier.
msgIN: Error description string.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.
NullPointerExceptionfile, func, or msg is null.

◆ H5Eregister_class()

static synchronized native long H5Eregister_class ( String  cls_name,
String  lib_name,
String  version 
) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException

H5Eregister_class registers a client library or application program to the HDF5 error API so that the client library or application program can report errors together with HDF5 library.

cls_nameIN: Name of the error class.
lib_nameIN: Name of the client library or application to which the error class belongs.
versionIN: Version of the client library or application to which the error class belongs.
a class identifier
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.
NullPointerExceptionname is null.

◆ H5Eset_current_stack()

static synchronized native void H5Eset_current_stack ( long  stack_id) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Eset_current_stack replaces the content of the current error stack with a copy of the content of the error stack specified by estack_id.

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Eunregister_class()

static synchronized native void H5Eunregister_class ( long  class_id) throws HDF5LibraryException

H5Eunregister_class removes the error class specified by class_id.

class_idIN: Error class identifier.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.

◆ H5Ewalk()

static void H5Ewalk ( long  stack_id,
long  direction,
H5E_walk_cb  func,
H5E_walk_t  client_data 
) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException

H5Ewalk walks the error stack specified by estack_id for the current thread and calls the function specified in func for each error along the way.

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.
directionIN: Direction in which the error stack is to be walked.
funcIN: Function to be called for each error encountered.
client_dataIN: Data to be passed with func.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.
NullPointerExceptionfunc is null.

◆ H5Ewalk2()

static synchronized native void H5Ewalk2 ( long  stack_id,
long  direction,
H5E_walk_cb  func,
H5E_walk_t  client_data 
) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException

H5Ewalk2 walks the error stack specified by estack_id for the current thread and calls the function specified in func for each error along the way.

stack_idIN: Error stack identifier.
directionIN: Direction in which the error stack is to be walked.
funcIN: Function to be called for each error encountered.
client_dataIN: Data to be passed with func.
HDF5LibraryExceptionError from the HDF5 Library.
NullPointerExceptionfunc is null.