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HDF5  1.15.0.a71c683
API Reference
H5ES_err_info_t Struct Reference

#include <src/H5ESpublic.h>

Detailed Description

Information about failed operations in event set

Data Fields

char * api_name
char * api_args
char * app_file_name
char * app_func_name
unsigned app_line_num
uint64_t op_ins_count
uint64_t op_ins_ts
uint64_t op_exec_ts
uint64_t op_exec_time
hid_t err_stack_id

Field Documentation

◆ api_args

char* api_args

"Argument string" for arguments to HDF5 API routine called

◆ api_name

char* api_name

Name of HDF5 API routine called

◆ app_file_name

char* app_file_name

Name of source file where the HDF5 API routine was called

◆ app_func_name

char* app_func_name

Name of function where the HDF5 API routine was called

◆ app_line_num

unsigned app_line_num

Line # of source file where the HDF5 API routine was called

◆ err_stack_id

hid_t err_stack_id

ID for error stack from failed operation

◆ op_exec_time

uint64_t op_exec_time

Execution time for operation (in ns)

◆ op_exec_ts

uint64_t op_exec_ts

Timestamp for when the operation began execution

◆ op_ins_count

uint64_t op_ins_count

Counter of operation's insertion into event set

◆ op_ins_ts

uint64_t op_ins_ts

Timestamp for when the operation was inserted into the event set

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: